Turnaround: -$8MM Loss to +$7MM Profit

Client Background:

Our client is a leader in the new vehicle processing industry. Their business involves the installation of port installed options on newly imported vehicles, conducting the final quality checks, and arranging for last-mile transit to dealers across the United States.


The company approached us amidst a challenging period. They were facing an annual loss of $8MM, disgruntled staff, unhappy customers, and a lack of clarity regarding the root cause of their issues. They had cycled through multiple executive leaders and consultants over the previous three years without much success.


With our ‘Dream, Design, Deliver’ framework, we orchestrated a complete turnaround of the business in 18 months. We started by revitalizing key values such as excellence and love, and then painted a clear vision of the desired state of the facility, the conduct of the employees, and the customer experience.

Following the vision phase, we embarked on a thorough design phase where we reorganized the management team, established financial reporting metrics and KPIs, and planned improvements to re-engage front-line employees and customers.

For the next year, we diligently worked on delivering the design, consistently upholding the values throughout the process.


Our engagement resulted in a significant shift in employee morale and a complete turnaround in customer satisfaction, leading to the renewal of multiple customer contracts that were previously in jeopardy. Most notably, the company moved from an $8MM loss to a $7MM profit during our engagement period.


“Garrett helped us gain a clear vision for the culture of the organization, and cultivated it by helping us foster genuine relationships. He demonstrated care and empathy throughout the work they did and gained credibility through consistent actions. He effectively improved our internal teamwork and customer partnerships.” – Dana Conrad, Operations Manager.

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